Building HTML
- Entities
- Scripts And Style Sheets
- Links
- Links To Named Routes
- Links To Controller Actions
- Mail-To Links
- Images
- Lists
- Custom Macros
When displaying user input in your Views, it is important to convert all characters which have significance in HTML to their "entity" representation.For example, the < symbol should be converted to its entity representation. Converting HTML characters to their entity representation helps protect your application from cross-site scripting:
Converting a string to its entity representation:
- echo HTML::entities('<script>alert(\'hi\');</script>');
Using the "e" global helper:
- echo e('<script>alert(\'hi\');</script>');
Scripts And Style Sheets
Generating a reference to a JavaScript file:
- echo HTML::script('js/scrollTo.js');
Generating a reference to a CSS file:
- echo HTML::style('css/common.css');
Generating a reference to a CSS file using a given media type:
Further Reading:
- echo HTML::style('css/common.css', array('media' => 'print'));
Generating a link from a URI:
- echo HTML::link('user/profile', 'User Profile');
Generating a link that should use HTTPS:
- echo HTML::link_to_secure('user/profile', 'User Profile');
Generating a link and specifying extra HTML attributes:
- echo HTML::link('user/profile', 'User Profile', array('id' => 'profile_link'));
Links To Named Routes
Generating a link to a named route:
- echo HTML::link_to_route('profile');
Generating a link to a named route with wildcard values:
Further Reading:
- $url = HTML::link_to_route('profile', 'User Profile', array($username));
Links To Controller Actions
Generating a link to a controller action:
- echo HTML::link_to_action('home@index');
Generating a link to a controller action with wildcard values:
- echo HTML::link_to_action('user@profile', 'User Profile', array($username));
Links To A Different Language
Generating a link to the same page in another language:
- echo HTML::link_to_language('fr');
Generating a link to your home page another language
- echo HTML::link_to_language('fr', true);
Mail-To Links
The "mailto" method on the HTML class obfuscates the given e-mail address so it is not sniffed by bots.Creating a mail-to link:
- echo HTML::mailto('', 'E-Mail Me!');
Creating a mail-to link using the e-mail address as the link text:
- echo HTML::mailto('');
Generating an HTML image tag:
- echo HTML::image('img/smile.jpg', $alt_text);
Generating an HTML image tag with extra HTML attributes:
- echo HTML::image('img/smile.jpg', $alt_text, array('id' => 'smile'));
Creating lists from an array of items:
- echo HTML::ol(array('Get Peanut Butter', 'Get Chocolate', 'Feast'));
- echo HTML::ul(array('Ubuntu', 'Snow Leopard', 'Windows'));
- echo HTML::dl(array('Ubuntu' => 'An operating system by Canonical', 'Windows' => 'An operating system by Microsoft'));
Custom Macros
It's easy to define your own custom HTML class helpers called "macros". Here's how it works. First, simply register the macro with a given name and a Closure:Registering a HTML macro:
Now you can call your macro using its name:
- HTML::macro('my_element', function()
- {
- return '<article type="awesome">';
- });
Calling a custom HTML macro:
- echo HTML::my_element();
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