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Sunday, December 9, 2012

How to set our site mobile landing page

Give mobile visitors a way for redirect to our mobile version :

Getting Started

To make this easy, I have provided a mobile template for you to download, which means that all we will have to do is set up redirects for mobile browsers. You can customize the template landing page however you see fit – it’s just standard HTML/CSS.
Here’s what you need to do to get started:
  1. Download the template file.
  2. Create a directory (or page) to send mobile users to – some common subdomains are “m” or “mobile” (eg. and
  3. We will be using JS Mobile Redirection to redirect mobile browsers, the script can be downloaded on GitHub. Place the .js file wherever you choose, I have placed mine in a folder called “js”.

Set the Redirect

On the index page of your site, in the <head> section paste in the following lines:

  1. <script type="text/javascript" src="js/redirection_mobile.min.js"></script>  
  2. <script type="text/javascript">  
  3. SA.redirection_mobile ({param:"isDefault", mobile_prefix : "m", cookie_hours : "1" });  
  4. </script>  
This will send any visitor that arrives on the index page to the subdomain “”, but only once every hour. If they press the link on the template page that says “continue to full site”, they will not be redirected within the defined timeframe.
That’s pretty much it. Congratulations, you have a mobile landing page – now go forth and customize.
Note: If you are redirecting to a specific page rather than a subdomain you can do this by including mobile_url : “” and mobile_prefix : “http”. Refer to the documentation for further explanation.

Additional Notes

Fitting to Screen

You may have noticed the following meta tag in the downloadable files for this tutorial:
view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
  1. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=false;" />  
This is the tag that determines how the page fits to the screen and if a visitor can zoom in and out. Mozilla does a fine job of explaining this in great detail, check out their page on the viewport meta tag for a more rigorous exploration.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Find location with in a distance by latitude and longitute

what i am tryng to do is i have entries in database which have a lat long store with them. I want to calculate distance between users lat/long and entries lat/long(in DB). After dat echo the ones with distance less dan 500 meter so far i am able to do this using "foreach"

SELECT *,3956 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT( POWER(SIN((lat - `latitude`) * pi()/180 / 2), 2) + COS(lat * pi()/180) * COS(`latitude` * pi()/180) *
            POWER(SIN((long - `longitude`) * pi()/180 / 2), 2) )) as
            distance FROM table GROUP BY `zipid` HAVING distance <= 500 ORDER by distance ASC

We can also use google api:

Saturday, July 14, 2012

How To Create Your Own Custom WordPress Theme

Long time readers may remember the build process of the LoveGrid concept where we designed and finished off the mockup as a static HTML and CSS page. Now let’s take this design and convert it into a WordPress theme. If you want to get your hands on this theme for your own site, it’s now available to Access All Areas over on my graphic design blog – Blog.SpoonGraphics.

How WordPress themes work

WordPress theme files
WordPress themes are made up of multiple template files that are all contained in a theme folder. When the index.php file is loaded, PHP tags within this file load other template files, such as the header, sidebar and footer to build a complete page. Different template files are loaded depending on which section the viewer is browsing, so page.php is loaded when the user is viewing a page, and single when the user is viewing a blog post.
Within these template files are template tags, which provide the dynamic functionality of a WordPress blog. Most of these tags are pretty simple and just need inserting in the right place within the HTML code, for instance the <?php php the_title(); ?> tag inserts the title of that particular post wherever the PHP tag appears in the theme.
The LoveGrid theme is fairly simple and makes use of just the main template tags. It doesn’t have a sidebar, so sidebar.php isn’t used. Likewise, the search function has been left out to maintain a clean interface, so search.php isn’t required either. When building your theme it’s important to list out the types of template files you will need.

Getting started

One of the first steps you must remember to take when building your theme is to set up the basic theme information. At the top of your style.css document add and edit the following information:
Theme Name: LoveGrid
Theme URI:
Description: A premium theme by Chris Spooner of Blog.SpoonGraphics.
Version: 1.0
Author: Chris Spooner
Author URI:
You will also want to add some CSS styling to make sure the alignment of images works. These classes are automatically added by the WordPress WYSIWYG editor:
.centered {
 display: block;
 margin-left: auto;
 margin-right: auto;

.alignright {
 float: right;
 margin-left: 15px;

.alignleft {
 float: left;
 margin-right: 15px;
Finally, don’t forget to modify the screenshot.png image so your theme displays a nice preview in the Appearance section of the WordPress admin area so it can be identified when selecting a theme.

Header.php Template File

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Open up your index.html mockup file and copy the code that makes up the header area. This should include all the elements that will appear exactly the same on every page of the site. Paste them into a header.php file within your theme folder. The next step is to go through and insert WordPress template tags in place of the basic HTML. The first will probably be <?php wp_title(); ?>, which will insert the relevant wording into your HTML <title> tag for each page of the site. Other tags used in the header template are <?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?> to automatically insert a link to the style.css file and <?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?> to insert a link to the theme directory, which is handy for linking up Javascript files.
Just before the closing </head> tag, the <?php wp_head(); ?> template tag is used so WordPress can insert any additional code into the head itself, such as meta keywords, description and other plugin specific information.
Also included in the header.php file is the header section of the design. Links to the homepage are added using the <?php echo get_option('home'); ?> template tag. In order to populate the navigation menu, the tag <?php wp_list_pages(); ?> is used to display all the WordPress pages, with the title_li= parameter clearing out the default title that WordPress would otherwise add.
Finally, at the end of the navigation list, an extra <li> is added to link to the RSS feed using the <?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?> template tag.

Index.php Template File

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Switch back over to your mockup HTML file and copy the next chunk of code from where the header left off, down to the footer (or sidebar if you have one). This content will be placed in the index.php template file. At the top of this file the first tag you’ll need is <?php get_header(); ?>, this will insert the content of the header.php file above your index.php content when the page is viewed in a browser. Next, the WordPress loop checks for content. Within the loop you lay out the HTML for one post, then this is repeated for every post WordPress displays. Continue replacing HTML content with a WordPress template tag, so <?php the_permalink(); ?> goes wherever there’s a link to the post, <?php the_title(); ?> goes wherever the post title is displayed and <?php the_content(''); ?> tells WordPress where to insert the actual post content.
Underneath the list of posts we can set up the pagination options. Simply insert the <?php next_posts_link('Older posts'); ?> and <?php previous_posts_link('Newer posts'); ?> tags wherever you want these links to appear. Below this we can set up a simple error if no posts were found below the PHP else statement.
At the bottom of the document the footer.php file is called using the <php get_footer(); ?> template tag. This will render a complete page in the browser by combining the header.php, index.php and footer.php files.

Archive.php Template File

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The index.php file is used when viewing the homepage of the blog (unless a page is set as the homepage instead). When the user views a category list or any collection of posts, whether it’s by date, tag or author the archive.php file is used instead. The archive.php file is almost identical to the index, with the addition of a few extra titles to identify what posts the user is browsing.
Conditional tags are used to detemine which snippet of content to display, so <?php if (is_category()) { ?> checks if it’s a category view. If so, a title is displayed that indicates which category it is, using the <?php single_cat_title(); ?> template tag to print the name of that particular category. Similarly, checks can be made on the date and the relevant month and year can be added to the page. If your site makes use of tags and authors, even more titles can be added using a series of other conditional tags. See the WordPress Codex page on Conditional Tags.

Page.php and 404.php Template Files

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There are two types of content on WordPress blogs, posts and pages. Out of the two pages are often the most simple. The page.php file is pretty much a stripped down version of the index or archive templates. It still includes the link to the header file, the WordPress loop and the tags to generate the page title, but on a page we don’t need a date, read more link, or meta information.
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Another template file that acts similar to a page is 404.php. This file allows you to customise an error page just in case a 404 File Not Found error appears on your blog. This file is even more simple that page.php as the content is coded directly without any special WordPress tags.

Single.php and Comments.php Template Files

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The single.php file is the template used whenever a blog post is viewed. The first portion of the file is pretty much identical to how the post content is laid out in the other template files, the main difference is blog posts also include comments, so the <?php comments_template(); ?> template tag is used to call the comments.php file.
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Inside the comments.php file there’s a bunch of comment specific tags that enable you to build a thorough comments section. <?php comments_number(); ?> is a simple tag used to display the number of comments on a post, with parameters allowing you to edit the wording as you please. The comments file has its own mini loop, <?php if ( have_comments() ) : ?> checks to see if there are any comments on the post, then the whole list of comments is simply inserted using just one tag: <?php wp_list_comments(); ?>. The comments file has its own set of pagination links, which combined with the WordPress discussion settings allow you to split comments over multiple pages.

Footer.php Template File

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To finish off the theme, all we need to do is fill out the content in the footer.php file. Remember this file has been called from many of the other template files to round off the page with the rest of the HTML required. The file continues where the others left off. In this particular design the footer file begins with a list of categories using the <?php wp_list_categories(); ?> template tag with a range of parameters clearing out the default post count and title as well as hiding specific categories such as ‘Uncategorized’. Usually this particular template tag would be found in the sidebar, but as with most WordPress tags it doesn’t matter where you place them in your theme.
Next up in my footer file is a spot of <?php query_posts(); ?>. This section isn’t someting usually required in your average theme, but it is used to create a separate list of posts outside the main WordPress loop. In this theme it’s used to display the latest 6 posts.
Another tag you wouldn’t usually see in a theme is <?php wpp_get_mostpopular(); ?>. This particular tag is unique to the WordPress Popular Posts plugin, but it shows how additional functionality can be added using plugins and their custom tags. In the public theme this tag is wrapped in a <?php if (function_exists); ?> statement to ensure it doesn’t break the theme if that particular plugin isn’t installed.

Create magento module

Create a new module in magnto or want to create a new page in Magento. If yes, Then ok, just spend 10 minutes and follow below steps.

Target: Create a new module called “HelloWorld”
Step 1: Module Declaration
Create app/etc/modules/M4U_HelloWorld.xml and write below code

<?xml version="1.0"?>
Step 2: Module Configuration
a. Create a controller class app/code/local/M4U/HelloWorld/controllers/IndexController.php
class M4U_HelloWorld_IndexController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action
    public function indexAction()
b. Create a Block class app/code/local/M4U/HelloWorld/Block/HelloWorld.php
class M4U_HelloWorld_Block_HelloWorld extends Mage_Core_Block_Template
  // necessary methods
c. create configuration xml in app/code/local/M4U/HelloWorld/etc/config.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>

Define Frontend Template :
1. Define page layout in app/design/frontend/M4U/default/layout/helloworld.xml
N.B: Use default instead of M4U as template location if you use default design packages. Means create file inapp/design/frontend/default/default/layout/helloworld.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>

 <layout version="0.1.0">

   <reference name="root">
    <action method="setTemplate"><template>page/1column.phtml</template></action>
   <reference name="content">
             <block type="helloworld/helloworld" name="hello" template="helloworld/helloworld.phtml"/>

2. Create template file app/design/frontend/M4U/default/template/helloworld/helloworld.phtml and write down
N.B: Use default instead of M4U as template location if you use default design packages. Means create file in app/design/frontend/default/default/template/helloworld/helloworld.phtml
Hello World ! I am a Magento Guy..
Hey, new module is ready to run and hit browser with url


Monday, January 9, 2012

MySQL function to search and replace HTML Entities with international characters

Attached is a MySQL function I've written to allow a MySQL SELECT statement to identify HTML Entities within the data and replace them with the relevant symbol, reserved or accented character, the function replaces all the HTML Entity Names with the relevant LATIN1 characters.

mysql> SELECT HTML_UnEncode('Dr.H&uuml;bner');
| HTML_UnEncode('Dr.H&uuml;bner') |
| Dr.Hübner |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

I am using it to process data captured by a web-based PHP application, although it's straightforward to remove these values as part of a data transfer exercise I couldn't find an easier way to handle HTML entities within a SELECT statement.

I'm posting the function in case you are struggling with the same problem but also in the hope that you might be able to improve on it. If you think it can be improved on please post your suggestions below.

In practise I use REGEXP to test for the occurrence of an HTML Entity before calling the function when one is present:

deliveryReference AS Reference,
# Test for accented characters
CASE WHEN O.deliveryName REGEXP '&[^\s]*;'
THEN HTML_UnEncode(O.deliveryName)
ELSE O.deliveryName END AS Contact,

The function is below, it should be created in the source database from which the data is being drawn:


DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `sourcedatabase`.`HTML_UnEncode`$$
CREATE DEFINER=`user`@`localhost` FUNCTION `HTML_UnEncode`(x VARCHAR(255)) RETURNS varchar(255) CHARSET latin1

DECLARE TextString VARCHAR(255) ;
SET TextString = x ;

#quotation mark
IF INSTR( x , '&quot;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&quot;','"') ;

IF INSTR( x , '&apos;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&apos;','"') ;

IF INSTR( x , '&amp;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&amp;','&') ;

IF INSTR( x , '&lt;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&lt;','<') ;

IF INSTR( x , '&gt;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&gt;','>') ;

#non-breaking space
IF INSTR( x , '&nbsp;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&nbsp;',' ') ;

#inverted exclamation mark
IF INSTR( x , '&iexcl;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&iexcl;','¡') ;

IF INSTR( x , '&cent;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&cent;','¢') ;

IF INSTR( x , '&pound;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&pound;','£') ;

IF INSTR( x , '&curren;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&curren;','¤') ;

IF INSTR( x , '&yen;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&yen;','¥') ;

#broken vertical bar
IF INSTR( x , '&brvbar;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&brvbar;','¦') ;

IF INSTR( x , '&sect;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&sect;','§') ;

#spacing diaeresis
IF INSTR( x , '&uml;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&uml;','¨') ;

IF INSTR( x , '&copy;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&copy;','©') ;

#feminine ordinal indicator
IF INSTR( x , '&ordf;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&ordf;','ª') ;

#angle quotation mark (left)
IF INSTR( x , '&laquo;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&laquo;','«') ;

IF INSTR( x , '&not;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&not;','¬') ;

#soft hyphen
IF INSTR( x , '&shy;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&shy;','­') ;

#registered trademark
IF INSTR( x , '&reg;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&reg;','®') ;

#spacing macron
IF INSTR( x , '&macr;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&macr;','¯') ;

IF INSTR( x , '&deg;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&deg;','°') ;

IF INSTR( x , '&plusmn;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&plusmn;','±') ;

#superscript 2
IF INSTR( x , '&sup2;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&sup2;','²') ;

#superscript 3
IF INSTR( x , '&sup3;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&sup3;','³') ;

#spacing acute
IF INSTR( x , '&acute;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&acute;','´') ;

IF INSTR( x , '&micro;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&micro;','µ') ;

IF INSTR( x , '&para;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&para;','¶') ;

#middle dot
IF INSTR( x , '&middot;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&middot;','·') ;

#spacing cedilla
IF INSTR( x , '&cedil;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&cedil;','¸') ;

#superscript 1
IF INSTR( x , '&sup1;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&sup1;','¹') ;

#masculine ordinal indicator
IF INSTR( x , '&ordm;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&ordm;','º') ;

#angle quotation mark (right)
IF INSTR( x , '&raquo;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&raquo;','»') ;

#fraction 1/4
IF INSTR( x , '&frac14;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&frac14;','¼') ;

#fraction 1/2
IF INSTR( x , '&frac12;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&frac12;','½') ;

#fraction 3/4
IF INSTR( x , '&frac34;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&frac34;','¾') ;

#inverted question mark
IF INSTR( x , '&iquest;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&iquest;','¿') ;

IF INSTR( x , '&times;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&times;','×') ;

IF INSTR( x , '&divide;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&divide;','÷') ;

#capital a, grave accent
IF INSTR( x , '&Agrave;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Agrave;','À') ;

#capital a, acute accent
IF INSTR( x , '&Aacute;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Aacute;','Á') ;

#capital a, circumflex accent
IF INSTR( x , '&Acirc;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Acirc;','Â') ;

#capital a, tilde
IF INSTR( x , '&Atilde;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Atilde;','Ã') ;

#capital a, umlaut mark
IF INSTR( x , '&Auml;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Auml;','Ä') ;

#capital a, ring
IF INSTR( x , '&Aring;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Aring;','Å') ;

#capital ae
IF INSTR( x , '&AElig;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&AElig;','Æ') ;

#capital c, cedilla
IF INSTR( x , '&Ccedil;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Ccedil;','Ç') ;

#capital e, grave accent
IF INSTR( x , '&Egrave;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Egrave;','È') ;

#capital e, acute accent
IF INSTR( x , '&Eacute;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Eacute;','É') ;

#capital e, circumflex accent
IF INSTR( x , '&Ecirc;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Ecirc;','Ê') ;

#capital e, umlaut mark
IF INSTR( x , '&Euml;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Euml;','Ë') ;

#capital i, grave accent
IF INSTR( x , '&Igrave;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Igrave;','Ì') ;

#capital i, acute accent
IF INSTR( x , '&Iacute;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Iacute;','Í') ;

#capital i, circumflex accent
IF INSTR( x , '&Icirc;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Icirc;','Î') ;

#capital i, umlaut mark
IF INSTR( x , '&Iuml;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Iuml;','Ï') ;

#capital eth, Icelandic
IF INSTR( x , '&ETH;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&ETH;','Ð') ;

#capital n, tilde
IF INSTR( x , '&Ntilde;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Ntilde;','Ñ') ;

#capital o, grave accent
IF INSTR( x , '&Ograve;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Ograve;','Ò') ;

#capital o, acute accent
IF INSTR( x , '&Oacute;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Oacute;','Ó') ;

#capital o, circumflex accent
IF INSTR( x , '&Ocirc;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Ocirc;','Ô') ;

#capital o, tilde
IF INSTR( x , '&Otilde;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Otilde;','Õ') ;

#capital o, umlaut mark
IF INSTR( x , '&Ouml;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Ouml;','Ö') ;

#capital o, slash
IF INSTR( x , '&Oslash;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Oslash;','Ø') ;

#capital u, grave accent
IF INSTR( x , '&Ugrave;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Ugrave;','Ù') ;

#capital u, acute accent
IF INSTR( x , '&Uacute;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Uacute;','Ú') ;

#capital u, circumflex accent
IF INSTR( x , '&Ucirc;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Ucirc;','Û') ;

#capital u, umlaut mark
IF INSTR( x , '&Uuml;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Uuml;','Ü') ;

#capital y, acute accent
IF INSTR( x , '&Yacute;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Yacute;','Ý') ;

#capital THORN, Icelandic
IF INSTR( x , '&THORN;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&THORN;','Þ') ;

#small sharp s, German
IF INSTR( x , '&szlig;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&szlig;','ß') ;

#small a, grave accent
IF INSTR( x , '&agrave;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&agrave;','à') ;

#small a, acute accent
IF INSTR( x , '&aacute;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&aacute;','á') ;

#small a, circumflex accent
IF INSTR( x , '&acirc;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&acirc;','â') ;

#small a, tilde
IF INSTR( x , '&atilde;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&atilde;','ã') ;

#small a, umlaut mark
IF INSTR( x , '&auml;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&auml;','ä') ;

#small a, ring
IF INSTR( x , '&aring;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&aring;','å') ;

#small ae
IF INSTR( x , '&aelig;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&aelig;','æ') ;

#small c, cedilla
IF INSTR( x , '&ccedil;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&ccedil;','ç') ;

#small e, grave accent
IF INSTR( x , '&egrave;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&egrave;','è') ;

#small e, acute accent
IF INSTR( x , '&eacute;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&eacute;','é') ;

#small e, circumflex accent
IF INSTR( x , '&ecirc;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&ecirc;','ê') ;

#small e, umlaut mark
IF INSTR( x , '&euml;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&euml;','ë') ;

#small i, grave accent
IF INSTR( x , '&igrave;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&igrave;','ì') ;

#small i, acute accent
IF INSTR( x , '&iacute;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&iacute;','í') ;

#small i, circumflex accent
IF INSTR( x , '&icirc;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&icirc;','î') ;

#small i, umlaut mark
IF INSTR( x , '&iuml;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&iuml;','ï') ;

#small eth, Icelandic
IF INSTR( x , '&eth;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&eth;','ð') ;

#small n, tilde
IF INSTR( x , '&ntilde;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&ntilde;','ñ') ;

#small o, grave accent
IF INSTR( x , '&ograve;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&ograve;','ò') ;

#small o, acute accent
IF INSTR( x , '&oacute;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&oacute;','ó') ;

#small o, circumflex accent
IF INSTR( x , '&ocirc;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&ocirc;','ô') ;

#small o, tilde
IF INSTR( x , '&otilde;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&otilde;','õ') ;

#small o, umlaut mark
IF INSTR( x , '&ouml;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&ouml;','ö') ;

#small o, slash
IF INSTR( x , '&oslash;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&oslash;','ø') ;

#small u, grave accent
IF INSTR( x , '&ugrave;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&ugrave;','ù') ;

#small u, acute accent
IF INSTR( x , '&uacute;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&uacute;','ú') ;

#small u, circumflex accent
IF INSTR( x , '&ucirc;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&ucirc;','û') ;

#small u, umlaut mark
IF INSTR( x , '&uuml;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&uuml;','ü') ;

#small y, acute accent
IF INSTR( x , '&yacute;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&yacute;','ý') ;

#small thorn, Icelandic
IF INSTR( x , '&thorn;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&thorn;','þ') ;

#small y, umlaut mark
IF INSTR( x , '&yuml;' )
THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&yuml;','ÿ') ;

RETURN TextString ;



Saturday, January 7, 2012

Common Ubuntu vi editor command list

I would like to share some commonly used vi editor command which will be useful for the beginners who love to work in vi editor.
This will be more useful for new linux users.

Purpose vi Command
To insert new text esc + i ( You have to press ‘escape’ key then ‘i’)
To save file esc + : + w (Press ‘escape’ key then ‘colon’ and finally ‘w’)
To save file with file name (save as) esc + : + w “filename”
To quit the vi editor esc + : + q
To quit without saving esc + : + q!
To save and quit vi editor esc + : + wq
To search for specified word in forward direction esc + /word (Press ‘escape’ key, type /word-to-find, for e.g. to find word ‘work‘, type as
To continue with search n
To search for specified word in backward direction esc + ?word (Press ‘escape’ key, type word-to-find)
To copy the line where cursor is located esc + yy
To paste the text just deleted or copied at the cursor esc + p
To delete entire line where cursor is located esc + dd
To delete word from cursor position esc + dw
To Find all occurrence of given word and Replace then globally without confirmation esc + :$s/word-to-find/word-to-replace/g For. e.g. :$s/work/workers/g
Here word “work” is replace with “workers”
To Find all occurrence of given word and Replace then globally with confirmation esc + :$s/word-to-find/word-to-replace/cg
To run shell command like ls, cp or date etc within vi esc + :!shell-command For e.g. :!pwd

Basic "vi" features
One edits a file in vi by issuing the command: vi file-to-edit.txt
The vi editor has three modes, command mode, insert mode and command line mode.
  1. Command mode: letters or sequence of letters interactively command vi. Commands are case sensitive. The ESC key can end a command.
  2. Insert mode: Text is inserted. The ESC key ends insert mode and returns you to command mode. One can enter insert mode with the "i" (insert), "a" (insert after), "A" (insert at end of line), "o" (open new line after current line) or "O" (Open line above current line) commands.
  3. Command line mode: One enters this mode by typing ":" which puts the command line entry at the foot of the screen.
Partial list of interactive commands:
Cursor movement:
Keystrokes Action
h/j/k/l Move cursor left/down/up/right
spacebar Move cursor right one space
-/+ Move cursor down/up in first column
ctrl-d Scroll down one half of a page
ctrl-u Scroll up one half of a page
ctrl-f Scroll forward one page
ctrl-b Scroll back one page
M (shift-h) Move cursor to middle of page
H Move cursor to top of page
L Move cursor to bottom of page
Move cursor a word at a time
Move cursor ahead 5 words
Move cursor back a word at a time
Move cursor back a word at a time
Move cursor back 5 words
Move cursor to end of word
Move cursor ahead to the end of the 5th word
0 (zero) Move cursor to beginning of line
$ Move cursor to end of line
) Move cursor to beginning of next sentence
( Move cursor to beginning of current sentence
G Move cursor to end of file
% Move cursor to the matching bracket.
Place cursor on {}[]() and type "%".
Use the matchit or xmledit plug-in to extend this capability to XML/XHTML tags.
'. Move cursor to previously modified line.
'a Move cursor to line mark "a" generated by marking with keystroke "ma"
'A Move cursor to line mark "a" (global between buffers) generated by marking with keystroke "mA"
]' Move cursor to next lower case mark.
[' Move cursor to previous lower case mark.
Editing commands:
Keystrokes Action
i Insert at cursor
a Append after cursor
A Append at end of line
ESC Terminate insert mode
u Undo last change
U Undo all changes to entire line
o Open a new line
Delete line
Delete 3 lines.
D Delete contents of line after cursor
C Delete contents of line after cursor and insert new text. Press esc key to end insertion.
Delete word
Delete 4 words
cw Change word
x Delete character at cursor
r Replace character
R Overwrite characters from cursor onward
s Substitute one character under cursor continue to insert
S Substitute entire line and begin to insert at beginning of line
~ Change case of individual character
Increment number under the cursor.
Decrement number under the cursor.
/search_string{CR} Search for search_string
?search_string{CR} Search backwards (up in file) for search_string
/\<search_string\>{CR} Search for search_word
Ex: /\<s\>
Search for variable "s" but ignore declaration "string" or words containing "s". This will find "string s;", "s = fn(x);", "x = fn(s);", etc
n Find next occurrence of search_word
N Find previous occurrence of search_word
. repeat last command action.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Ubuntu Useful Commands

A comprehensive list of commands needed when using Ubuntu:

Command privileges.

    sudo command - run command as root
    sudo su – root shell open
    sudo su user – open shell as a user
    sudo -k – forget your password sudo
    gksudo command – sudo visual dialog (GNOME)
    kdesudo command – sudo visual dialog (KDE)
    sudo visudo – edit / etc / sudoers
    gksudo nautilus – root file manager (GNOME)
    kdesudo konqueror – root file manager (KDE)
    passwd – change your password

Command Network

    ifconfig – displays information network
    iwconfig – displays information from wireless
    sudo iwlist scan – scan wireless networks
    sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart – reset the network
    (file) /etc/network/interfaces – manual configuration
    ifup interface – bring online interface
    ifdown interface – disable interface

Commands Display

    sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart – reset X (Gnome)
    sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart – reset X (KDE)
    (file) /etc/X11/xorg.conf – show Configuration
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure - reconfigure xserver-xorg-phigh - reset configuration X
    Ctrl+Alt+Bksp – X display reset if frozen
    Ctrl+Alt+FN – switch to tty N
    Ctrl+Alt+F7 – switch back to X display

Commands Service System.

    start service – service to start work (Upstart)
    stop service – service to stop working (Upstart)
    status service – check if service is running (Upstart)
    /etc/init.d/service start – start service (SysV)
    /etc/init.d/service stop – stop service (SysV)
    /etc/init.d/service status – check service (SysV)
    /etc/init.d/service restart – reset service (SysV)
    runlevel – get current runlevel

Commands for Firewall.

    ufw enable – turn on the firewall
    ufw disable – turn off the firewall
    ufw default allow – allow all connections by default
    ufw default deny – drop all connections by default
    ufw status – current rules and
    ufw allow port – to allow traffic on port
    ufw deny port – port block
    ufw deny from ip – ip block

Command System.

    lsb_release -a – get the version of Ubuntu
    uname -r – get kernel version
    uname -a – get all the information kernel

Commands for Package Manager.

    apt-get update – refresh updates available
    apt-get upgrade – update all packages
    apt-get dist-upgrade – version update
    apt-get install pkg – installing pkg
    apt-get remove pkg – uninstall pkg
    apt-get autoremove – removing packages obsotletos
    apt-get -f install – try to fix packages
    dpkg –configure -a – try to fix a broken package
    dpkg -i pkg.deb – install file pkg.deb
    (file) /etc/apt/sources.list – list of repositories APT

Special Packages For commands.

    ubuntu-desktop – Setting the standard Ubuntu
    kubuntu-desktop – KDE Desktop
    xubuntu-desktop – desktop XFCE
    ubuntu-minimal – core earnings Ubuntu
    ubuntu-standard – the standard utilities Ubuntu
    ubuntu-restricted-extras – not free, but useful
    kubuntu-restricted-extras – ditto KDE
    xubuntu-restricted-extras – ditto XFCE
    build-essential – packages used to compile
    linux-image-generic – latest generic kernel image
    linux-headers-generic – latest headlines

Applications commands.

    nautilus – File Manager (GNOME)
    dolphin – File Manager (KDE)
    konqueror – Web browser (KDE)
    kate – text editor (KDE)
    gedit – text editor (GNOME)